Wednesday, September 29, 2010

America's roads are falling apart

America's roads are falling apart

And California's are the worst -- despite the lack of ice and snow. Read the full story

Conductive polymers could make their way into TVs and sensors

Looking at a single conductive polymer could change the way we make electronics. Read the full story

Schneider Electric's Chris Curtis: Why we need 'Energy Star' for green buildings

Schneider Electric's CEO of North American operations, Chris Curtis, explains why IT can't solve energy alone, why LEED is a failure and why the relentless pursuit of efficiency will drive innovation. Read the full story

How wonderful the campaign against food claims

If a CEO goes on TV and claims pomegranates prevent cancer, is that advertising or free speech? n Read the full story

Should the mining industry get sneakpeaks at cancer research?

A mining industry coalition demands to see a study on diesel fumes and cancer before its publication next month. Read the full story

With 'intelligent water incubator,' Mondavi Winery improves vineyard irrigation

Robert Mondavi Winery is using the Waterboxx, an "intelligent water incubator," in vineyards to reduce the need for traditional irrigation. Read the full story

Salt Lake City: ticketing idlers, adapting to climate change

The city's sustainability director says no matter how many light bulbs we replace, the climate is still changing. Read the full story

How a nanoneedle can send quantum dots into cells

Researchers can shoot quantum dots into cells. It's like a flu shot to the cell. Read the full story

T-Mobile goes 'wireless' with solar power

German cellular network provider T-Mobile has deployed a solar-powered cellular base station in Pennsylvania. Read the full story

Corporate sustainability: How low should you go?

When it comes to ensuring the sustainability of your supply chain, you'll need to dig deep for complete transparency. Read the full story

My trip to the World Maker Faire in NYC

In my short trip to the World Makers Faire in New York, I discovered a life sized Mouse Trap game, people riding a merry-go-round powered by jet fuel, a man dressed in used car parts, and a 3D printing family. Read the full story

$2.75 billion to be spent on smart grid in 2010, report says

Billions are on tap to be spent on the smart grid in 2010, according to a new report. Here's a rundown of who and what gets the money -- and why. Read the full story

Living on Mars (without leaving Earth)

Two groups--one civilian, and one institutional--are living the Martian life the only way they can: here on earth. Read the full story

Illumitex CEO Matt Thomas: through design, a more efficient LED light bulb

The CEO of Austin, Texas-based Illumitex says his company's light emitting diodes aren't just energy-efficient -- they're optically efficient, too. Read the full story

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